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Fisheries and oceans

  • "Concerned", "Disappointed", "Frustrated"

    "Concerned", "Disappointed", "Frustrated"

    New Zealanders are feeling concerned, disappointed and frustrated by the government's management of the country's oceans. 42% also rate its management of marine conservation poor or very weak, while 18% say it is good or very strong. ...

  • Donations run risk of affecting MPs on fishing policy

    Donations run risk of affecting MPs on fishing policy

    57% (2,298,000 adults) believe donations from commercial interests run a risk of influencing decisions made by Members of Parliament. Only 7% think they are unlikely to influence decisions, a Horizon...

  • Kiwis: Ban high seas bottom trawling, put cameras on all vessels

    Kiwis: Ban high seas bottom trawling, put cameras on all vessels

    Overall, there is strong support to prioritise the ban on bottom trawling in South Pacific International waters: 73% (2,947,000 adults) say it should be banned. Only 7% (272,000 adults) believe commercial bottom trawling...

  • Fisheries policy having 100% influence on 194,000 party votes

    Fisheries policy having 100% influence on 194,000 party votes

    Policies which help conserve ocean fisheries will be a top priority for many people casting their votes in the October general election. A nationwide ...

  • 95% of Kiwis say the ocean is important to them

    95% of Kiwis say the ocean is important to them

    The ocean is important to us, we’re concerned about ocean health and losing marine life, and most of us want greater ocean protection. These are clear messages coming from fresh, independent research representing the voice of all adult...

  • 38% underestimating sea level rise

    38% underestimating sea level rise

    Many New Zealanders (38.2%) underestimate current and projected sea-level rise. A Horizon Research survey of  a representative sample of 1100 New Zealanders aged 18 and over, conducted for the SeaRise project at Victoria...

  • 67% say the government should work on fisheries reform

    67% say the government should work on fisheries reform

    An overwhelming majority of New Zealanders think New Zealand’s fisheries need to be reformed to ensure there is an abundant fishery. 70% think reform is needed 6% say the fisheries are fine as they are and do not need any reform 24% say...

  • 73% think fishing donations to MPs could influence decisions

    73% think fishing donations to MPs could influence decisions

    A huge majority of New Zealanders think fishing industry donations to Members of Parliament at the last election have the potential to “strongly influence” the MPs' decisions. A Horizon Research poll, which asked more than 1,000 people how much they felt...

  • Just 1% think bottom trawling should continue

    Just 1% think bottom trawling should continue

    Just 1% of New Zealanders think bottom trawling of the country's inshore fisheries should be allowed to continue. But while some 58% of adults thinking bottom trawling is not allowed inshore - it is. When told it is allowed, 57%...

  • 70% want bigger cuts in tarakihi quota

    70% want bigger cuts in tarakihi quota

    Seventy percent of New Zealanders want the commercial fishing quota for tarakihi cut dramatically to help the country’s fish and chips favourite to recover, a new survey has revealed.   The survey conducted by Horizon Research for...

  • 70% want fisheries management inquiry

    70% want fisheries management inquiry

    New Zealanders are growing more concerned about the way our fisheries are being managed. Far from having a “world leading” fisheries management system, nearly 70% of those surveyed in a new nationwide study...