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Comfortable old age: what's needed

2 Apr 13

Comfortable old age: what's needed
Research finds most will need nearly double the NZ pension to live comfortably..

Horizon polling on what New Zealanders regard as a comfortable retirement income is under pinning some of the discusssion on future policy.


The Herald has published this opinion article arguing we no longer believe that New Zealand Superannuation alone is enough to retire on. NZ Super currently provides a maximum of $349 a week for an individual and $537 for a couple.


The article says: The Financial Services Council (FSC) recently released the results of a Horizon Research survey showing only 9 per cent of New Zealanders believe that NZ Super alone will be sufficient for them to live on when they reach the age of entitlement.


In an earlier Horizon Research survey most New Zealanders defined "comfortable" as a weekly living amount that is about twice that of the NZ super entitlement, or about $300 more each week for an individual and $500 more for a couple.


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