82% of New Zealanders receive personalised offers/promotions direct from retailers via email.
The second most used method is mail (28%) followed by texts (9%).
10% don’t receive any personalised offers/promotions from retailers and a further 5% do not receive offers/promotions of any kind.
But while e-mails are most used, a Horizon Research survey of 1,557 adults nationwide in August 2016 finds that using texts to send offers has the highest satisfaction rate.
This is followed by mail and then email. Consumers are dissatisfied with receiving offers telephonically.

The survey has a maximum margin of error overall of +/- 2.5%.
For further details and insights into what consumers think of 15 major retail and loyalty programmes, type of offers being made and which ones would be most welcomed, please contact
Grant McInman, Manager, Horizon Research
E-mail: gmcinman@horizonresearch.co.nz
Telephone: +64 21 076 2040