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New Zealanders prefer rail enabled ferries

10 Jan 25

New Zealanders prefer rail enabled ferries
Kiwis want rail-enabled ferries run by KiwiRail

New Zealanders prefer new Cook Strait ferries which are rail enabled.

A Horizon Research nationwide surveys finds

48% want new ferries capable of taking roll-on, roll-off rail and  road vehicles and passengers, while
28% prefer new road freight and passenger ferries, with rail freight being transferred to vehicles for the ferry crossings.

The survey also finds only 18% want KiwiRail ferry services taken over by private enterprise while 34% want Government-owned KiwiRail to keep operating its Cook Strait services.

The Government announced on December 11 it is establishing a new company to procure two new ferries.

New Zealand First leader Winston Peters was also made Minister for Rail. Mr Peters says that to ensure the best possible solution is arrived at, the private sector is being invited to put forward alternative proposals for a ferry service during the first stage of the procurement process. 

Costs for the original plan to replace the fleet with two mega-ferries ballooned to more than $3 billion, leading to their cancellation.

Rail enabled support – by party vote

Support for rail-enabled ferries is at 54% among those who voted for New Zealand First at the 2023 general election and 51% among National voters.  39% of ACT voters prefer rail enabled, 31% non-rail enabled.

77% of Green, 58% of Labour and 63% of Te Pāti Māori voters support the rail enabled option.

Business supports more than opposes rail enabled ferries.

By occupation, 62% of professionals and government officials support rail-enabled ferries, 46% of business managers and executives and 61% of business proprietors and self-employed.

Support for KiwiRail or private operator by party vote

Transport officials have reportedly raised the question of KiwiRail’s suitability to run the Interislander business in the medium to long term, suggesting it could be separated into another State-Owned Enterprise or sold via a trade sale.

However, the Horizon survey finds 40% of New Zealand First voters want KiwiRail to keep operating the ferries, while 22% support a private operator taking over.

Among National voters 29% support a private operator, 27% KiwiRail continuing as operator.

33% of ACT voters prefer a private operator, 26% KiwiRail.

Horizon self-commissioned the survey of 1,025 respondents aged 18+ between December 16 and 21, 2024 as one of its public-interest projects.

The total sample is weighted on age, gender, ethnicity, region, personal income and Party Vote 2023 to match the adult population.

The survey has a maximum margin of error of ±3.1% overall.

For further information please contact

Graeme Colman, Principal, Horizon Research, telephone 021 848 576, email