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End of Life Choice

  • Poll finds 10% lead for four year Parliamentary term

    Poll finds 10% lead for four year Parliamentary term

    If a referendum were held today the country would vote 40% to 30% for extending the term of Parliament from three to four years. A Horizon Research survey also finds 30% are not sure how they would vote on the issue. ...

  • Temptation equals... $2,199 worth of dictionaries?

    Temptation equals... $2,199 worth of dictionaries?

    Temptation for our March 31, 2024, major prize draw winner is buying 20 volumes of a dictionary! Anna, of the Waikato, won our prize draw for an iPad Pro and $1000 cash - or her choice of taking $2,199 cash. She chose the cash! ...

  • 70%: decide on an equal footing how Te Tiriti is honoured

    70%: decide on an equal footing how Te Tiriti is honoured

    70% of New Zealanders believe it is important for Māori and non-Māori to decide together on an equal footing how te Tiriti o Waitangi is honoured. This is one of the crucial findings for Aotearoa of a Horizon Research survey conducted for...

  • News media junk polls live on

    News media junk polls live on

    Radio New Zealand's Mediawatch programme reports that news organisations often report the results of informal polls they carry out by embedding surveys in...

  • The “oh so close” cannabis and end of life choice results

    The “oh so close” cannabis and end of life choice results

    Horizon’s polling in August and September, 2020, found the majorities for legalising and controlling personal use of cannabis could vary between 67,900 against and 139,300 for. The final result was a majority of 67,662...

  • Cannabis control vote on a tightrope

    Cannabis control vote on a tightrope

    With early voting now open, the latest independent Horizon survey of nearly 1,500 Kiwis shows the referendum on legalising the personal use of cannabis is incredibly tight when respondents are forced to take a yes or no position. When asked to make a choice between...

  • Cannabis referendum on knife edge

    Cannabis referendum on knife edge

    The referendum on legalising the personal use of cannabis is on a knife-edge. When asked to make a choice between supporting or opposing the Cannabis Legalisation and Control Bill, 49.5% of all respondents in a nationwide Horizon Research survey said they...

  • Maori stay strongly for cannabis reform

    Maori stay strongly for cannabis reform

    Maori support for legalising the personal use of cannabis and controlling its use is consistently high. In March 2019 a special survey of Maori only for the THREE television programme The Hui, found 75% for...

  • Yes vote 56% for cannabis law reform

    Yes vote 56% for cannabis law reform

    Less than three months out from the General Election, an independent survey of nearly 1,600 Kiwis shows 56% will vote for legalising the personal use of cannabis at the referendum – up from 54% in February. 43% will vote against...

  • It was April Fools Day - but we weren't joking!

    It was April Fools Day - but we weren't joking!

    April 1 is perhaps not the best time to advise someone they’ve won our major prize draw. Our winner says: “I did wonder when I heard your message on my mobile if you were having me on. But you’ve staggered me. This couldn’t have come at a better...

  • Cannabis referendum vote: lead builds for reform

    Cannabis referendum vote: lead builds for reform

    An independent Horizon Research survey of nearly 2,000 New Zealanders reveals 83% don’t believe the prohibition of personal cannabis use is working, and 72% say having controls for growing and selling cannabis for personal use would be better for society. The large...

  • 72% of Maori say they'll vote to enact end of life choice law

    72% of Maori say they'll vote to enact end of life choice law

    A special survey of Maori commissioned by the television programme The Hui finds 72% will vote for the end of Life Choice Act coming into force. 28% said they would vote against the Act. Respondents were told the Act...

  • The enduring euthanasia majority

    The enduring euthanasia majority

    Across 7 years of Horizon Research polling on end of life choice, public support has never been below 63%. In fact, 63% was where it started in June 2012. It rose to 65% in May 2018. Since then it has been 70% or higher. ...

  • Large majority will currently vote to enact End of Life Choice Act

    Large majority will currently vote to enact End of Life Choice Act

    Currently 70% of New Zealanders think they will cast a referendum vote in favour of the End of Life Choice Act becoming law. 30% will vote No to it becoming law, according to the first nationwide poll of eligible voters on referendum...

  • Turnout a key to referenda results

    Turnout a key to referenda results

    The 2020 referendum on whether personal use of cannabis should be made legal will pit younger against older New Zealanders. Increasingly it also pits National and New Zealand First voters against Labour and Green ones. Horizon's ...

  • Support switches to favour legal personal cannabis use

    Support switches to favour legal personal cannabis use

    Support for legalising personal cannabis use has risen by 9% in the past quarter, according to the country’s only 12-month tracking survey on how New Zealanders would vote in the Government's binding referendum next year. The large November survey...

  • Vote for personal cannabis use reform falls to 39%

    Vote for personal cannabis use reform falls to 39%

    The prospect of ending wider cannabis prohibition looks increasingly unlikely. Over the last nine months, the percentage of New Zealanders who would vote for legalising the personal use of cannabis has declined at a near linear rate of around 10% per quarter. Support is now well below a...

  • Poll cross confirms end of life choice support

    Poll cross confirms end of life choice support

    A Colmar Brunton poll for TVNZ News on medical assistance in dying cross confirms earlier findings by Horizon Research. A July 2019 survey of 1000 adults nationwide by Colmar Brunton finds 72% think a person who is terminally or incurrably ill should be able to request the...

  • 74% say yes to end of life choice law

    74% say yes to end of life choice law

    As Parliament prepares to vote on the End of Life Choice Bill this month, a new poll shows a clear majority of New Zealanders want to allow doctors to help the terminally ill, enduring unbearable suffering, to die. A Horizon Research poll confirms consistent surveys...

  • Cannabis referendum will pass, gap narrows

    Cannabis referendum will pass, gap narrows

    Horizon polling shows the Government's 2020 referendum on the personal use of recreational cannabis would pass - but the result might be closer than was indicated six months earlier. The new independent survey of over 1,100 New Zealanders, commissioned by Helius...

  • 75% of Maori will vote to legalise personal use of cannabis

    75% of Maori will vote to legalise personal use of cannabis

    TV3 programme, The Hui,  has revealed the results of a special Horizon Research poll of 620 Māori, providing interesting insights into Māori attitudes towards cannabis. Seventy-five percent of Māori participating in the survey said...

  • 60% indicate they'll vote to legalise personal cannabis use

    60% indicate they'll vote to legalise personal cannabis use

    An independent survey of nearly 1,000 New Zealanders reveals the Government's 2020 referendum on recreational cannabis use would gain 60% support. New Zealand's largest licensed medicinal cannabis company, Helius Therapeutics, has released the result after commissioning...

  • 68% want binding referendum on medical aid in dying

    68% want binding referendum on medical aid in dying

    New Zealanders want a binding referendum on proposed End of Life Choice law. A HorizonPoll finds 68% say yes to having a binding referendum, 33% say no. The result overwhelmingly supports a New Zealand First proposal...

  • How many doctors would help people to die?

    How many doctors would help people to die?

    A submission to a Parliamentary Select Committee has cited Horizon Researh on how many doctors might help people end their lives, if this is made legal. Results of the research, conducted by Horizon among  general pratitoners subscribing to New Zealand Doctor...

  • New poll: strong support for medical aid in dying

    New poll: strong support for medical aid in dying

    A Horizon Research survey finds 65% of respondents - equivalent to 2,102,000 adults 18+ - supported the legalisation of some form of medical aid in dying in New Zealand – with 38% (equivalent to 1,164,000 adults 18+) rating their support as...

  • When conscience counts

    When conscience counts

    The assisted dying debate is heating up and Horizon’s polling indicates Members of Parliament will be on solid ground with large majorities of their voters if they support a law change. In the current survey...

  • 75% support medical assistance to die

    75% support medical assistance to die

    Three-quarters of New Zealand voters support a law change to allow the terminally ill and people with irreversible unbearable suffering to be helped to end their lives peacefully. These are the findings of an Horizon poll conducted nationwide between ...

  • Most accurate flag poll

    Most accurate flag poll

    Horizon Research had the most accurate poll results on the alternative New Zealand flag: just 0.17% out. Final results from the Electoral Commission released on December 15,...

  • Close voting result likely between the colourful silver fern flags

    Close voting result likely between the colourful silver fern flags

    Voting in the referendum to choose an alternative New Zealand flag is likely to narrowly favour the design featuring the Silver Fern with Black, White and Blue.   It wins marginally over the Silver Fern with Red,...

  • 57% say completely cancel asset sales  after “No” vote

    57% say completely cancel asset sales after “No” vote

    A Horizon Research poll which correctly called the result of the asset sales referendum also found that 57% of New Zealanders wanted all future sales cancelled if the referendum result opposed sales.   The official preliminary referendum result is 67.2% against and 32.5% for...

  • Referendum poll: 69.3% against partial state asset sales

    Referendum poll: 69.3% against partial state asset sales

    A poll using the question being asked in the November-December referendum finds 69.3% will vote against partial sale of state assets.   30.7% say yes when asked “do you support the Government selling up to 49% of Meridian Energy, Mighty River Power, Genesis Power,...

  • 62.9% support end of life choice

    62.9% support end of life choice

    A HorizonPoll of 2,969 adult New Zealanders finds 62.9% support proposed end of life choice law changes.   A private member’s bill may come before the New Zealand Parliament in 2012 which would aim to give all New Zealand citizens or permanent...

  • Maori split on whether they own water rights

    Maori split on whether they own water rights

    While 90% of Maori don’t think state energy assets should be sold off until the Waitangi Tribunal reports on the issue, less than half believe Maori  own  water in the country’s rivers and lakes and should be able to attach a value to it.   ...

  • Public back compulsory savings policy idea

    Public back compulsory savings policy idea

    New Zealanders are firmly in favour of making contributions to employees’ personal retirement savings accounts compulsory.   The Financial Services Council (FSC) has released results of a HorizonPoll, saying it has not taken a position on whether savings contributions...

  • MMP: Horizon 56% - votes cast 55.76%

    MMP: Horizon 56% - votes cast 55.76%

    Horizon’s final pre-election survey found 56% of the votes cast would be to not change the Mixed Member Proportional (MMP) voting system.   The official preliminary...

  • MMP: 50% say keep it

    MMP: 50% say keep it

    56% of votes cast in this weekend's referendum will be to keep the Mixed Member Proportional (MMP) system.   Overall, 50% will vote for it, 39.8% against, while 10.1% say they won’t vot...

  • Public mandates one of four major Budget policy proposals

    Public mandates one of four major Budget policy proposals

    The first nationwide post-Budget HorizonPoll shows the Government would not get a mandate to make changes to KiwiSaver, sell up to 49% of state-owned energy company shares or reduce its shareholding in Air New Zealand.   It would get a mandate to make changes to the Working...