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25 Mar 25 – There has been a significant increase in the number of adults saying their financial position is comfortable, according to new survey results from Horizon Research. Overall, the equivalent of just over 3 million adults report they are...
10 Mar 25 – The coalition government's performance is generating more negative than positive feelings among New Zealanders. A Horizon Research survey finds: 39% (equivalent to around 1,500,000 adults) are concerned about how the...
3 Feb 25 – New research shows nearly 90% of people in Aotearoa believe Te Tiriti o Waitangi is important for everyone to feel a sense of belonging, and that New Zealanders are largely united in their support of Te Tiriti. An increasing number of adults think...
20 Jan 25 – New Zealanders are feeling concerned, disappointed and frustrated by the government's management of the country's oceans. 42% also rate its management of marine conservation poor or very weak, while 18% say it is good or very strong. ...
10 Jan 25 – New Zealanders prefer new Cook Strait ferries which are rail enabled. A Horizon Research nationwide surveys finds 48% want new ferries capable of taking roll-on, roll-off rail...
3 Dec 24 – An overwhelming majority of adults favour limiting social media access for children in New Zealand. A Horizon Research survey in association with Auckland University’s School of Population Health, finds 74% support setting an age limit for accessing...
17 Oct 24 – Groundbreaking research into fast-fashion buying finds 1-in-4 New Zealanders surveyed had recently purchased from Temu – equating to over 1 million of us shopping at Temu, and a potential 550,000 shopping at Shein. The survey was undertaken by Horizon Research for...
13 Sep 24 – More people have heard of the Government's Fast-track Approvals Bill, and more now think of it as a bad idea. A Horizon Research August 2024 survey, commissioned by Greenpeace, finds 55% (2,141,000 adults) had ...
17 Apr 24 – New Zealanders think most major product and services markets serving them are uncompetitive. None of 12 markets measured by Horizon Research had a rating of more than 5.7 out of 10, where 0 was very uncompetitive and 10 very competitive). New...
8 Apr 24 – The latest Trust in News survey finds trust has fallen significantly. The AUT research centre for Journalism, Media and Democracy (JMAD) has published its fifth annual ...
13 Mar 24 – As the government contemplates tax relief and other measures to lower the cost of living, a Horizon Research survey details who are suffering most financial discomfort and can't meet basic needs. The survey finds 29% of New Zealanders...
25 Feb 24 – New Zealanders say the government pension and “friends” are the two things most needed by people in retirement. Horizon Research asked a representative sample of 1,011 adults what they thought those who have retired, or those retiring in future, most need....
19 Feb 24 – 57% (2,298,000 adults) believe donations from commercial interests run a risk of influencing decisions made by Members of Parliament. Only 7% think they are unlikely to influence decisions, a Horizon...
14 Dec 23 – Polling of 1,500 New Zealanders finds labels used by Tegel, Ingham’s and other chicken corporations lead Kiwis to believe their animal welfare or health standards are higher than others by using the terms "Cage Free", “Barn Raised” and "No Added Hormones". ...
29 Nov 23 – New Zealanders most support a ban on mobile phones at school during class time, but not during breaks. A Horizon Research poll of four possible policy options finds: 61% support and 20% oppose banning mobile...
16 Nov 23 – A new poll finds that 71% of New Zealanders want to keep the current public transport discounts. 50% strongly agree the discounts should be kept. ...
29 Sep 23 – A new study shows the extent to which New Zealanders’ party voting choices are divided on co-governance, Treaty of Waitangi, and racial harmony. While accusations of playing the race card have emerged in election debates, the Horizon Research study finds that...
11 Sep 23 – Large numbers of New Zealanders are falling victim to thefts via their bank accounts and cards. They do not think banks are doing enough to protect them. Their view of how the banks are protecting them becomes more adverse when they find out that...
6 Aug 23 – New research reveals New Zealanders are experiencing fraud or theft from their bank accounts at the rate of 5,200 cases per week. A Horizon Research study finds: The equivalent of 274,000 adults saying they’ve had ...
6 Jul 23 – A Horizon Research Banking Monitor finds 3% of adults think they might have to definitely sell a property in the next 12 months because of higher interest rates. That’s equivalent to 43,000 people with a mortgage. ...
21 Jun 23 – New Zealanders are feeling more positively about Labour leader Chris Hipkins than National leader Christopher Luxon. The latest Horizon Research Political Feelings Study, comparing how the two main parties’ current leaders are making New Zealanders feel,...
22 May 23 – The Labour and Green parties would be able to form a coalition government, according to the latest Horizon Research poll. The May 12-17 survey of 1,563 adults finds that among those who are both registered and 100% likely to vote, Labour would attract 31.8%...
30 Mar 23 – Despite the oldest members of Generation X being only seven years away from being able to collect a pension, only a third of Gen Xers say they are planning to stop work at 65. A survey by Horizon Research for ANZ Investments of 1,632 respondents,...
13 Feb 23 – Neither Labour nor National-led coalitions can form a government without support from Te Pāti Māori, according to the latest Horizon Research political poll. Labour and Green would together have 59 seats and National and ACT 57 seats. 61 are needed for a majority in a 120...
26 Jan 23 – A HorizonPoll survey finds the party votes of hundreds of thousands of voters could be put into play by the choice of a new Prime Minister. This could determine the outcome of the October 14 2023 general election. The January 19-21, 2023 survey of...
21 Jan 23 – Chris Hipkins is the runaway favourite among New Zealanders to become the country’s next Prime Minister. A snap Horizon Research poll conducted overnight between 4.30pm January 19 and 10am January 20, 2023, finds 26% of adults would prefer him to be...
23 Dec 22 – Climate change is now seen as the most important environmental issue facing New Zealand, surpassing freshwater issues for the first time since surveys into environmental perceptions started in 2000. ...
11 Nov 22 – The low turnout of voters in local government elections in October was mostly driven by a lack of information about candidates and their policies, not the voting method. A nationwide Horizon Research survey finds: 31% of...
5 Nov 22 – A new Horizon Research poll, measuring how the two main parties’ leaders are making New Zealanders feel, finds Jacinda Ardern making twice as many angry than in 2020. She is making 28% angry, compared with 13% when last measured in January 2020....
27 Sep 22 – A special survey conducted for The Hui television programme reveals some of the reasons why Māori are not getting their children vaccinated against diseases which could cause them great harm. The Hui reported and...
9 Aug 22 – The latest Horizon Research party vote poll finds a Labour-Greens collation with 44% of voters who are currently registered to vote – and 100% likely to vote. A National-Act coalition has 42% support. ...
4 May 22 – More than 900,000 adults are planning an overseas holiday in the next 12 months as New Zealanders shake free of the COVID-19 pandemic. Around 76,900 say they’ll go in May. A Horizon Research survey finds 23% of adults planning to holiday...
10 Mar 22 – The latest research on New Zealanders' reading habits confirms that we remain a nation of readers, and one that loves to read to our children. The Horizon survey for Read NZ Te Pou Muramura, conducting in October 2021, finds 82% of...
29 Dec 21 – New Zealanders are not yet ready for a widespread outbreak of COVID-19 cases. New research finds: 37%, or around 1,479,000 adults are not confident they have the space needed to isolate at home if they get infected. ...
6 Dec 21 – Concern about climate change is at its highest for nearly a decade, yet 78% of Kiwis don’t believe enough will be done in the next 10 years to avoid damaging temperature rises. Horizon Research has been tracking levels of public concern on climate change since 2006....
17 Nov 21 – A combination of different types of information, incentives and messages will influence people to get the COVID-19 vaccine. These are among the findings of a nationwide Horizon survey of 2,479 people representing the New Zealand population aged 16+. The survey was...
23 Sep 21 – Large numbers of people in New Zealand supported the level 4 lockdown, feel more at risk of being infected by new strains of COVID-19 - and 86% of those aged 16 or older are now likely to get vaccinated. These are the findings of Horizon's August 24-29 nationwide...
29 Jul 21 – Overall potential uptake of the COVID-19 vaccine by people in New Zealand aged 16+ is 77%, according to a June survey for the Ministry of Health. Key findings of the Horizon Research survey, conducted in association with Auckland University's School of Populaton Health...
17 Jun 21 – Overall potential uptake of COVID-19 vaccine by people aged 16 or older in New Zealand has risen to 80%. The result is from a Horizon Research survey, conducted for the Ministry of Health in association with Auckland University's School of...
24 May 21 – The number of New Zealanders aged 16 and older who will potentially get a COVID-19 vaccine has increased to 77% from 69% in March 2021. A Horizon...
3 May 21 – Newly-released research shows the high potential value of a multi-use covered velodrome if one is built in Whanganui. The Whanganui District Council is now considering what to build, if anything, as part of its Long Term Plan process. A decision is due in June on various...
17 Apr 21 – Across seven months of research to April 1, 2021, the percentage of those aged 16+ in New Zealand who likely to take a COVID-19 vaccine remains steady, at 69 percent. The surveys, conducted for the Ministry of Health by Horizon Research, in association with Auckland...
10 Mar 21 – The Ministry of Health has released full reports on surveys by Horizon Research covering New Zealanders' attitudes toward COVID-19 vaccines. In 2020, Horizon Research, in association with the School of Population Health, University of Auckland, was...
17 Feb 21 – 69 percent of survey respondents (an estimated 2,487,900 New Zealand adults) are prepared to receive a “well tested and approved” COVID-19 vaccine. This is one of the main findings of research conducted in December 2020 for the Ministry of Health by Horizon...
6 Jan 21 – In the coming year 384,700 adults will look to change their jobs. According to the latest Horizon Research Employment Forecast Monitor, 11% of adults will look for new jobs, an increase of 133,000 (and up from 7%) since...
27 Dec 20 – The impact of COVID-19 is showing markedly for some households and regions, the latest research finds. Around 1.114 million adults say their households are financially worse off than last year, while around 575,000 say they’re better off. Data...
6 Oct 20 – Health is the issue most driving New Zealanders’ choice of party vote in this election. New polling by Horizon Research finds five issues rank above all others in overall importance. Health, a factor for 54%, equivalent...
16 Sep 20 – The number of New Zealanders who are confident they will keep their jobs during the next 12 months has risen 8%. 46% of adults (18 years of age or over) believed, at the end of August, they would keep their jobs during the next year. ...
2 Sep 20 – The referendum on legalising the personal use of cannabis is on a knife-edge. When asked to make a choice between supporting or opposing the Cannabis Legalisation and Control Bill, 49.5% of all respondents in a nationwide Horizon Research survey said they...
27 Aug 20 – Jacinda Ardern continues to be seen as the best leader to manage the COVID-19 pandemic response. 64% rate her as the best leader on the response, compared with 18% for Judith Collins. The next...
4 Aug 20 – A new poll shows Whanganui district residents overwhelmingly want the Government to approve a $26.3 million application to fund a velodrome stadium. The new stadium is short listed for shovel-ready project funding and will create the lower North Islnad's largest...
1 Aug 20 – 64% of New Zealanders feel the economic position of their households is the same or better than a year ago – and 30% think it is worse or much worse, while 298,000 think they will lose their jobs in the next 12 months. ...
1 Jul 20 – An overwhelming majority of New Zealanders think New Zealand’s fisheries need to be reformed to ensure there is an abundant fishery. 70% think reform is needed 6% say the fisheries are fine as they are and do not need any reform 24% say...
29 Jun 20 – Less than three months out from the General Election, an independent survey of nearly 1,600 Kiwis shows 56% will vote for legalising the personal use of cannabis at the referendum – up from 54% in February. 43% will vote against...
15 May 20 – Horizon Research has completed an extensive survey projecting domestic tourism market potential after COVID-19 travel restrictions are eased. Horizon finds that 34% of adults, an estimated 1,229,600 million people, intend to...
12 May 20 – Half of New Zealand's adults support a lump sum cash payment being paid to everyone and 67% think will be an effective way of stimulating the economy. A Horizon Research survey finds 23% think it will not be effective. The results mean an estimated...
20 Apr 20 – New research shows what New Zealanders say they will do when released from Alert Level 4 lockdown. In the first six months, if allowed, there will be huge surges in custom for the retail, postal and courier and travel sectors. Within these, fast food...
19 Apr 20 – More than 215,000 adults say they would like extra help and advice to cope with isolation and stress caused by the COVID-19 Level Four Alert lockdown. While most adults are coping well, a Horizon Research nationwide survey finds large numbers of younger...
9 Mar 20 – A special survey of Maori commissioned by the television programme The Hui finds 72% will vote for the end of Life Choice Act coming into force. 28% said they would vote against the Act. Respondents were told the Act...
26 Feb 20 – A huge majority of New Zealanders think fishing industry donations to Members of Parliament at the last election have the potential to “strongly influence” the MPs' decisions. A Horizon Research poll, which asked more than 1,000 people how much they felt...
13 Feb 20 – Health and affordable housing are the two main issues New Zealanders think are most important when it comes to deciding how they will cast their Party Vote in the September 19 general election. Of 27 issues, the 5 top-ranked in a nationwide Horizon Research survey in...
28 Oct 19 – More than eight out of 10 New Zealand adults are now turning to streaming services. The most used, by 59% of adults, is TVNZ OnDemand. The total with access equates to around 2,132,100 million people. ThreeNow, owned...
17 Oct 19 – 14% of respondents in a nationwide Horizon Research survey support the continued use of the Forced Swim Test. The test involves forcing small animals such as rats or mice to swim in an inescapable beaker of water until they ‘give up’ and float. Some...
8 Oct 19 – More Wellington city residents overall feel that the development at Shelly Bay would be a good thing for the city, according to a ‘mood of the city’ survey conducted to coincide with the two-year mark since the Wellington City Council greenlit the development. ...
1 Aug 19 – A Colmar Brunton poll for TVNZ News on medical assistance in dying cross confirms earlier findings by Horizon Research. A July 2019 survey of 1000 adults nationwide by Colmar Brunton finds 72% think a person who is terminally or incurrably ill should be able to request the...
14 May 19 – New Zealanders want social media to stop live streaming services until they have ways of immediately screening out violent or other harmful content. As the Prime Minister prepares to meet world leaders and social media executives to discuss violent content controls, New...
9 May 19 – Horizon polling shows the Government's 2020 referendum on the personal use of recreational cannabis would pass - but the result might be closer than was indicated six months earlier. The new independent survey of over 1,100 New Zealanders, commissioned by Helius...
17 Apr 19 – Nearly half of all medical professionals surveyed have had patients or others ask for medicinal cannabis prescriptions in the past 12 months. This has been the case for 63% of general practitioners and 77% of head pharmacists, according to a Horizon Research survey of...
27 Mar 19 – A report that looks at how New Zealand writers earn from their writing has again revealed that very few are able to make writing their full-time career. The Writers’ Earnings in New Zealand report, undertaken by Horizon...
16 Nov 18 – The Warehouse and Kmart are the most used retailers among younger New Zealanders. A Horizon Research survey finds 71% of 18-24-year-olds are regularly shopping at The Warehouse and 68% at Kmart. The Warehouse’s grip on the younger adult...
4 Sep 18 – A total of 176,000 New Zealanders say they will definitely start exercising at a gym or fitness facility in the next 12 months according to a Horizon Research survey. The study, commissioned by Exercise NZ, shows the exercise industry growth is looking...
30 Aug 18 – A new study released today by PR company BlacklandPR, shows that New Zealanders think Waikato is largely cows and a river, and it appears that locals think the same. Unprompted, the one thousand participants were most likely to...
28 Aug 18 – New research by Horizon for the Book Council finds 442,600 Kiwis didn’t read a book in the past year. The research also found that fewer men are reading books. The 2018 study reports that 86% of New Zealand adults had read or started to read at...
13 Jul 18 – A new nationwide poll conducted by Horizon Research finds large numbers of New Zealanders concerned about the use of farrowing crates. Just over three in four New Zealanders felt that the statement, “The use of farrowing crates can cause suffering to sows...
1 Jul 18 – Only 54% of 18-34 year-old New Zealanders expect to have their own home, and only 30% expected to have New Zealand Superannuation at retirement. ...
29 Jun 18 – Just over one million New Zealanders say helping the country reduce its greenhouse gas emissions will depend on how much it costs or benefits them. Just over a million say they’ll help regardless of the costs or benefits. Around 260,000 say...
19 Jun 18 – A majority of New Zealanders support all parties in Parliament agreeing on plans to act on climate change. 52% (around 1.66 million adults) support all parties in Parliament agreeing to a net zero emissions target and five-year plans to achieve that...
24 May 18 – A Horizon Research survey finds 65% of respondents - equivalent to 2,102,000 adults 18+ - supported the legalisation of some form of medical aid in dying in New Zealand – with 38% (equivalent to 1,164,000 adults 18+) rating their support as...
8 May 18 – A Horizon opinion poll commissioned by Greenpeace reveals that 52 percent of Kiwis think there are too many cows for our waterways to cope with. ...
24 Apr 18 – A new HorizonPoll finds what New Zealanders would most want to buy from Sky TV - if the company didn't require them to have a basic package. A national survey by Horizon Research in Feruary 2018 finds adults would most buy movies, documentaries and sports content. ...
7 Mar 18 – Nearly half of adult New Zealanders support the idea of the Government investing in special economic development deals with local authorities. A Horizon Research survey finds 49% support the idea and just 13% oppose. Economic...
23 Feb 18 – National MPs face a difficult choice on who should lead the party. A February 20-21 nationwide Horizon Research survey of 1,059 adults finds Amy Adams has broadest appeal overall, but Judith Collins is favoured by those who voted National at the 2017 general election...
14 Nov 17 – A new survey has exposed how little awareness the general public has of dairy industry practices, with only half the NZ population aware that a cow needs to have a calf each year to produce milk.To counteract this, SAFE has erected a thought-provoking billboard in the Auckland CBD...
28 Sep 17 – Fly Buys remains New Zealand’s largest reward-loyalty programme. Consumers also rank it the best. A Horizon Research survey of adult shoppers nationwide finds 73% belong to Fly Buy...
20 Sep 17 – Rarely published polling on how main party leaders are making New Zealanders feel may reveal what’s behind “Jacindamania”. Jacinda Ardern’s appointment as Labour leader has...
18 Sep 17 – New research among Ngāpuhi released by Te Rōpū o Tūhoronuku shows 70% support for the Tūhoronuku Independent Mandated Authority continuing to represent Ngāpuhi in the Treaty settlement negotiations with the Crown. The survey, conducted by Horizon Research, involved...
7 Sep 17 – New research of over 2000 New Zealanders released at the Financial Services Council’s annual conference shows there is overwhelming public support for strengthening KiwiSaver and improving Kiwis access to the savings scheme. The findings show that New Zealanders...
1 Sep 17 – Jacinda Ardern has a 6% lead over Bill English as preferred Prime Minister among definite voters. Among the 860 adult respondents who are both registered to vote and 100% likely to...
31 Aug 17 – New Zealand First’s intending voters are split equally when asked which of three coalition options they prefer. An August 11-15 poll by Horizon Research asked respondents what advice on...
22 Aug 17 – New Horizon Research finds New Zealand adult consumers on average belong to 4.2 of 19 reward/loyalty programmes measured and buy regularly from an average of 3.1 of the 12 major retail brands measured. The average number of schemes adults are members of has risen from 3.1...
22 Aug 17 – SalesAdvantage is here. It will help you profit from the power of knowing what each of your customers most wants and then offer them what they will "definitely buy". Your offers can be made the moment your customers say they want them by using...
7 Aug 17 – In the wake of public safety warnings issued for recent events like cyclones and tsunami, between 8 and 11% of New Zealand adults are less likely to believe them. A nationwide Horizon Research survey for Blackland PR in May 2016 asked...
18 Jun 17 – Three-quarters of New Zealand voters support a law change to allow the terminally ill and people with irreversible unbearable suffering to be helped to end their lives peacefully. These are the findings of an Horizon poll conducted nationwide between ...
5 May 17 – The potential market for selling news and other information content online in New Zealand is up to 755,900 adults. If each spent $10 per month online content sales could earn more than $90 million a year. This potential revenue from...
2 Apr 17 – ...
6 Mar 17 – A new report that looks at how New Zealand writer’s earn from their writing has revealed that very few are able to...
16 Jan 17 – ...
10 Dec 16 – The day after John Key’s announcement that he was resigning as Prime Minister, Horizon Research asked New Zealanders who they preferred the National Party to choose as the next Prime Minister of New Zealand. They were also asked who they did no...
18 Nov 16 – New Zealanders are growing more concerned about the way our fisheries are being managed. Far from having a “world leading” fisheries management system, nearly 70% of those surveyed in a new nationwide study...
23 Aug 16 – The gap between the number of people definitely wanting to buy and sell properties is the largest since Property Press started measuring it in 2010....
20 Jul 16 – The Reserve Bank’s move to increase the deposit needed for investors to buy a home above 30% will have a significant impact on the market. New research finds 22% of those who said they were definitely going to buy an...
20 Apr 16 – The value of recreational fishing has been established at nearly $1 billion a year. ...
4 Apr 16 – Many New Zealanders say harm caused by alcohol can be reduced if more people drink low-alcohol beer, a new survey shows. The Horizon survey of 1141 New Zealanders, published by the New Zealand Food...
16 Feb 16 – Perceptions of electronics retail company Dick Smith have worsened since November 2015 with 83% of respondents now having heard something negative about them. A group of the company's creditors put the firm into receivership on January 4, 2016. ...
7 Dec 15 – New Zealanders overwhelmingly oppose organisations they do business with handing over their personal information to government officials or the police without a court order. They’re even more likely to be upset if an organisation hands over such information without...
16 Nov 15 – 92% of New Zealand adults will have a smartphone in next 12 months. Smartphone ownership among adults has risen from 69% to 79.5% in the past year, according to a new nationwide survey by Horizon Research...
4 Nov 15 – Research conducted for the Centre for Sustainable Cities at the University of Otago, Wellington, indicates New Zealanders are moving towards the idea of mixed-use development where housing is within walking and cycling...
1 Oct 15 – 65% of all New Zealanders over 18 believe New Zealand Superannuation alone is insufficient for a comfortable retirement. For those already retired 78% say New Zealand Superannuation alone is insufficient for a comfortable retirement. ...
27 Jul 15 – A survey of New Zealanders by Horizon Research in June found that 61% respondents would take their soft plastic bags back to a drop off recycling bin at supermarkets and other locations if this service were provided. ...
7 Jul 15 – More than 1.76 million New Zealanders have been online shopping using overseas retailers in the past three months – and any move to charge them more in taxes and duties will find half of all adults opposed. ...
26 May 15 – The settlement of historical Te Tiriti Waitangi grievances and iwi unity are growing in importance to Ngāpuhi, a Horizon Research survey report finds. Compared to a survey two years ago, the Ngāpuhi wish for settlement and tribal unity has strengthened, with more than 90%...
15 May 15 – A strong majority of New Zealanders are concerned about climate change and taking actions that reduce household emissions, according to a recent survey. Researchers at Motu...
22 Apr 15 – New Zealanders overwhelmingly want the companies providing them with technical services to protect their personal information from interception by governments. 75% also would like to know whether New Zealand Government agencies are gathering personal communications...
1 Apr 15 – Former Labour leader and cabinet minister Phil Goff is a clear front runner in results of a poll on who would receive most current and potential support if they were to run for the Auckland Mayoralty in 2016. A Horizon Research poll of Auckland Council area residents...
14 Nov 14 – More adult New Zealanders would like to trial a new pay-for internet TV service proposed by SKY TV than other similar services. A Horizon Research survey finds 20.7% of adults,...
3 Oct 14 – A Horizon Research poll conducted two weeks before the general election accurately forecast the increase in voter turnout. The August 28 - September 8 HorizonPoll found turnout could increase by about...
15 Sep 14 – A HorizonPoll survey finds adult New Zealanders agree, by large majorities, that factory farming should be banned. The survey of 1,799 respondents aged 18+, conducted between August 18 and 23, 2014,...
10 Sep 14 – While the two main political parties’ leaders prepare for another election campaign debate tonight, a poll finds the Labour leader has impressed more than National’s leader in debates so far. ...
2 Sep 14 – 67% of those who voted for New Zealand First at the 2011 general election would prefer Labour to lead a coalition government if one is needed after September 20’s general election. ...
28 Aug 14 – National Radio is the mainstream medium with most of its users believing it has failed to act impartially in relation to material provided by bloggers, according to a HorizonPoll on issues arising from the publication of the book “Dirty Politics”....
16 Jul 14 – Supermarkets which remove all sugary products from check- out lanes will hit a sweet spot with shoppers. A new Horizon Research study finds 34.1% of adults nationwide think...
8 Apr 14 – 21 out of 100 adult New Zealanders say they have illegally downloaded content from the internet at some time when they know they should have paid for it. That’s the equivalent of 676,600...
4 Apr 14 – New Zealanders accept more than oppose the police practice of imposing a 104 kph open road speed tolerance limit during holiday periods. As the nation heads toward the major Easter and Anzac Day holiday break, an independently...
12 Mar 14 – Trade Me faces significant risks if its recent price rises for property listings result in a further shift of advertisements to its main competitor web site. New research covering 2,471 adults nationwide finds that if the real...
14 Dec 13 – A Horizon Research poll which correctly called the result of the asset sales referendum also found that 57% of New Zealanders wanted all future sales cancelled if the referendum result opposed sales. The official preliminary referendum result is 67.2% against and 32.5% for...
12 Nov 13 – 89% of adult New Zealanders do not support testing cosmetics on animals. And 89.2% support banning the practice in this country. A HorizonPoll of 2,826 adults nationwide in October finds solid support among the voters for all major parties for...
1 Nov 13 – About 51% or 1.7 million adult New Zealanders are now using other electronic devices while watching television. A new study by Horizon Research finds 184,000 adults are using electronic devices to respond to advertisements on television using an average of 2.5 devices,...
24 Oct 13 – A poll using the question being asked in the November-December referendum finds 69.3% will vote against partial sale of state assets. 30.7% say yes when asked “do you support the Government selling up to 49% of Meridian Energy, Mighty River Power, Genesis Power,...
3 Oct 13 – A HorizonPoll covering Kapiti District residents has found 63% unware that a new expressway won't have off and on ramps for them to serve the rural settlement of Te Horo. 41 per cent said they accessed State Highway 1 at points between Peka Peka and Otaki.  ...
30 Sep 13 – Kiwis love breakfast and while we know it’s the most important meal of the day, according to new research our busy lives are affecting the nutritional value of our breakfast choices. The Eggs Inc New Zealand Breakfast Survey, conducted in August by Horizon Research...
1 Jul 13 – Nearly seven out of 10 Aucklanders think their council should decide where new housing development in Auckland takes place, not central Government, according to a new survey. 56.2% also believe the Government should not have special powers, provided for in...
24 May 13 – Nearly 40% of New Zealanders would disapprove of any Reserve Bank move to require home buyers to have a minimum 20% deposit, a HorizonPoll survey finds. 36.6% would approve if a deposit requirement were imposed by the...
22 Apr 13 – New Zealanders strongly oppose testing psychoactive substances like party pills on animals. A Horizon Resarch survey finds: Only 14.8% of adult New Zealanders surveyed support allowing animal testing on psychoactive substances, like...
16 Apr 13 – Overall 79% of New Zealanders, regardless of their political alignment, believe a bill restricting rights to protest at sea should now go back to a Parliamentary Select Committee for more thorough scrutiny and public submissions or be dropped. The Crown Minerals...
26 Mar 13 – New Zealand adults at this stage intend to definitely invest about $4.4 billion in state owned enterprise shares being offered for sale, or likely sale, by the Government. Further sales could be made to a significant group of adults who say they are...
25 Mar 13 – Only 9 per cent of New Zealanders believe that NZ Superannuation alone will give them an adequate income in retirement according to Horizon Research survey results* released by the Financial Services Council. Another 65 per cent of New Zealanders disagree, 10 per cent are...
18 Mar 13 – Jobs, tribal unity and housing are the most important issues facing Ngāpuhi, the biggest iwi of Aotearoa, according to a new Horizon Research survey. It also finds that that Ngāpuhi overwhelmingly hope that the coming Te Tiriti o Waitangi settlement will provide education...
18 Feb 13 – In New Zealand serious illness is 2.6 more times more likely to strike than a serious accident putting an earner off work for six months or more. The accident victim will get 80% of income from Accident Compensation. The illness victim without...
13 Feb 13 – Market research to forecast patronage on the proposed SkyPath across Auckland Harbour Bridge reveals high demand from Aucklanders for recreational trips. Horizon Research reported that over a million recreational trips could be expected to be taken by Aucklanders in the...
10 Jan 13 – 12% of Kiwis 18 years of age or over will look to change jobs in the next twelve months, according to a recent HorizonPoll, and one in twenty will look to go overseas to work. Horizon Research has been listening to New Zealanders’ personal view of their...
1 Jan 13 – A HorizonPoll survey of what Kiwis think will happen with the economy in 2013 finds people positive about agriculture, exporting and research and development. But they expect a decline in manufacturing, employment and household incomes. Adults nationwide were asked...
20 Dec 12 – There will be a nett rise in jobs created during the next year, according to a new HorizonPoll survey. 23.8% of adults in work think the organisations employing them will increase staff in the next 12 months, 16.6% will decrease staff and 43.9% will keep number the same...
2 Dec 12 – National and Labour have enjoyed significant increases in support among eligible voters. There would be a knife edge choice between potential National and Labour led coalitions if an election were held now. New Zealand First, with control of the...
29 Nov 12 – 1.308 million will spread their present shopping in December right up to Christmas Eve. They will be joined by another 311,000 who say they’re going to leave present buying until the last few days before Christmas. According to a new survey by Horizon Research,...
21 Nov 12 – 80% think their councils have lost focus and 56% support Government moves to redefine their role. These are among the main findings of a Horizon Research survey of 956 adults nationwide in August, 2012. Commissioned by the New Zealand Centre for...
13 Nov 12 – A new Horizon Research survey of more than 2000 New Zealand homeowners indicates there is a strong desire to use solar energy. The September 21-October 9 survey of 2,040 home owners nationwide finds 8% of respondents, or about 4% of the country's 1.74 million dwellings,...
25 Sep 12 – National and Labour have both lost support among the 18+ population as a whole in the latest Horizon Research poll. News of job losses and illegal intelligence gathering do not appear to have driven any statistically significant changes in voting overnight, with a...
10 Sep 12 – Horizon Research has released its Maori Viewpoint 2012 report, tracking the views of Maori nationwide on issues ranging from their personal household financial position to their iwis' performance. Maori are sending clear signals to their iwi and other policy makers on what...
30 Aug 12 – Google has the most visited web site in New Zealand. A Horizon Research poll on the websites Kiwi’s use most presented the usual suspects and a few surprises. Of the 3055, 18+ New Zealanders who participated in the survey 81% follow the world...
28 Aug 12 – New research has been released on how businesses view charities. The HorizonPoll research, conducted for Inspiring Communities with the support of Internal Affairs - Charities (formerly the Charities Commission) and the...
24 Aug 12 – Changes to the Emissions Trading Scheme have gone into Parliament as a new poll shows that New Zealanders are evenly split over whether we should even have a price on carbon. Carbon News reports that Climate Change Minister Tim...
20 Aug 12 – New Zealanders are willing to put their hands in their pockets to encourage clean industries and technologies. The survey, of 2829 New Zealanders aged 18-plus, taken between July 5 and 16, 2012, asked recipients about their attitude toward incentives to encourage...
10 Aug 12 – New Zealanders want the Government and business to do more about climate change – but most of all we want other countries to do something. A HorizonPoll for Carbon News shows that 67.5 per cent of...
3 Aug 12 – The number of New Zealanders who think climate change is an urgent and immediate problem has slumped, according to a new poll. A HorizonPoll for Carbon News, finds that just over half of adult New Zealanders consider it urgent or a...
25 Jul 12 – A majority of residents will support low level variable tolls on Auckland's motorways if this reduces congestion and helps fund major transport projects, according to a Horizon Research survey just released. The survey of 1,016 Aucklanders was commissioned by the New...
10 Jul 12 – While 90% of Maori don’t think state energy assets should be sold off until the Waitangi Tribunal reports on the issue, less than half believe Maori own water in the country’s rivers and lakes and should be able to attach a value to it. ...
9 Jul 12 – Nearly 90% of Maori want the Government to wait for the outcome of a special Waitangi Tribunal hearing before selling up to 49% of shares in three state energy companies which own hydro dams. Only 4.7% want share sales to proceed with a...
6 Jun 12 – 6 June 2012 National’s party vote support among the total adult population has slipped a further 1.5% in the past month. A HorizonPoll survey of 2,814 New Zealanders aged 18+, conducted between May 18 and June 6, 2012, finds...
12 May 12 – In the lead-up to Mother’s Day, TomTom shares the road trip realities of 5,000 mums from around the world. An independent study reveals that it takes on average just 27 minutes for children to get bored on long car journeys. Of those countries surveyed, children in...
10 May 12 – National’s 18+ population support has fallen 4.21% compared with the last general election. Labour’s has risen 4.63% but is still below the 25% it had when it lost the 2008 general election to National. ...
6 May 12 – 71.5% of New Zealanders think media people who accept cash or other benefits from a non-media organisation are less credible when doing their news work. 66.6% of NewstalkZB listeners think this way. The radio station’s...
6 Mar 12 – Rugby is New Zealand’s most watched sport, but fishing has more than five times more people participating. Rugby is watched by 68% of adult New Zealanders, with 5% playing it. However, 26% are going fishing (while 28% watch). ...
1 Feb 12 – Horizon Research Limited has acquired the ShapeNZ research service from the Sustainable Business Council (SBC). The SBC launched ShapeNZ in 2006 to allow the public to have a say on major policy issues, recruiting a 14,000 member panel representing the adult population....
18 Jan 12 – New Zealand business decision makers are more likely to have used marijuana than the rest of the adult population. Twice as many have tried cocaine at least once in their lives, according to a nationwide survey conducted by Horizon Research. However,...
9 Dec 11 – David Shearer has twice as much public support to be Labour leader than David Cuncliffe. 35.4% of adult New Zealanders would prefer Shearer as Labour leader, 16.9% Cunliffe. Shearer is also seen to better represent the sort of things respondents...
27 Nov 11 – Horizon’s final pre-election survey found 56% of the votes cast would be to not change the Mixed Member Proportional (MMP) voting system. The official preliminary...
24 Nov 11 – Here are Horizon's predictions for the 2011 General Election. We've waited until the last minute to post them, so as to take into account the latest polls by Horizon, Reid Research, Colmar Brunton, DigiPoll and other polling companies. Polling the...
23 Nov 11 – Pure Advantage, the organisation championing a move to a green growth economy, says the latest polling by independent research company Horizon shows there is widespread public support for New Zealand to secure its share of the $6 trillion global opportunity that green growth promises by 2050....
20 Nov 11 – There have been some significant changes during the election campaign in the way Labour Leader Phil Goff and National leader John Key are making people feel. Emotion is believed to play an important role in driving voter choice. ...
20 Nov 11 – The country is highly polarised over the unauthorised recording of a meeting between the Prime Minister, John Key, and the Act party’s Epsom candidate, John Banks. 53% say that neither Mr Key nor Mr Banks, as parties to the conversation, should authorise the public...
19 Nov 11 – The country is now evenly split on which main party is preferred to lead a coalition government if one is required after Saturday’s general election. A 5.5% preference lead for National has closed completely since October 29. 41.5% now want a Labour-led government,...
8 Nov 11 – National and Labour's campaign performances between November 1and 5 are rated almost neck and neck. A RadioLIVE-HorizonPoll of 1636 respondents nationwide finds the parties' campaigns rating just 2% apart. Labour’s election...
2 Nov 11 – The first nationwide post-leaders’ debate party vote poll shows significant changes in support for National and Labour. A RadioLIVE-HorizonPoll yesterday of 1,147 registered electors who intend to vote at the November general election, shows: ...
31 Oct 11 – Act support is sliding and the new Conservative party’s support rising in the latest RadioLIVE-HorizonPoll. When the results for both decided voters and undecided voters with a preference are considered, the current National-led coalition would have...
29 Oct 11 – The first poll of the 2011 election campaign shows 42.1% of voters would prefer a National-led government after the November 26 general election. A Labour-led government is preferred by 36.6% (a 5.5% gap). However, 21.3% are undecided. The...
23 Oct 11 – 83% back the All Blacks, 57% will be in front of telly, up to 112,000 downtown - and 65% say do it again The All Blacks go onto Eden Park tonight with 83% of New Zealanders thinking they will win. ...
27 Sep 11 – New Zealanders are as united in their support of the All Blacks as they are opposed to battery cages. A comprehensive opinion poll, released today by animal advocacy group SAFE, reveals a consensus across all sectors of the population that battery hen cages should be...
25 Sep 11 – 74% of New Zealanders want the Electoral Commission to send them more information about alternative voting systems to MMP before casting their votes on electoral reform in just 10 weeks’ time. Some 38.6% of 2,571 voters polled by Horizon...
21 Sep 11 – Going overseas to find skilled trades people is one solution to current shortages, but the head of one of New Zealand’s largest employers says there is another to be found right at home. Mike Huddleston, Chief Executive of AWF Group, says a nationwide AWF...
3 Sep 11 – Fairfax’s Stuff web site is the most used media one in New Zealand. A July-August 2011 nationwide HorizonPoll finds Stuff is being visited each month by 52% of New Zealanders aged 18 plus. This indicates it is attracting an audience of about...
24 Jul 11 – More New Zealanders support than oppose a capital gains tax. The first nationwide poll conducted since the policy announcement finds 40.9% support Labour’s capital gains tax (CGT) proposal , 34.1% oppose, 17.9% are...
12 Jun 11 – HorizonPoll’s party vote research is seen as going to tell a better story between now and the November general election. In this TVNZ Media7 broadcast, political economist Keith Rankin, who...
28 May 11 – The Electoral Commission might be well advised to see if some research companies are excluding up to 30% of respondents before they publish party vote poll results. The commission in 2008 allocated $3.2 million to political parties to fund election broadcasting. ...
22 May 11 – The first nationwide post-Budget HorizonPoll shows the Government would not get a mandate to make changes to KiwiSaver, sell up to 49% of state-owned energy company shares or reduce its shareholding in Air New Zealand. It would get a mandate to make changes to the Working...
16 May 11 – A new poll shows New Zealanders head into Budget week thinking the country is generally off on the wrong track – but with individuals rating National as being much better than Labour to advance their own economic interests. A Horizon Research survey of 1,864 people...
24 Apr 11 – Only 1.6% of New Zealanders support a new law’s provision requiring people to prove their innocence, or face penalties of up to $15,000 and internet disconnection, if accused of breaching copyright when transferring files. Some 89% think authorities should have to...
1 Apr 11 – Maori Party co-leader leader Pita Sharples’ 7,540 majority in the Tamaki Makaurau electorate appears to have eroded to about 1,140. An Horizon Research Maori Panel poll shows Sharples would get 47.8% of candidate votes in the largely...
20 Mar 11 – The current governing coalition would stay in power according to a new HorizonPoll. The National led coalition would secure 46.2% of the party vote. A Labour-Green-New Zealand First coalition would...
10 Mar 11 – Some 11.5% of Maori support Te Tai Tokerau MP Hone Harawira seeking re-election as a member of a new Maori or left wing party. This according to a nationwide poll of 1,047 Maori since Tuesday by the new specialist Horizon Research Maori Panel. The...
9 Mar 11 – More than 1,300 have joined HorizonPoll's new Maori Panel in less than 48 hours. Of these 1,050 had completed the first Maori Panel survey, covering issues ranging from the financial position of their households, to how well they feel consulted on iwi...
7 Mar 11 – Horizon Research today launches a major new panel to research the views of Maori nationwide. We're aiming to make sure Maori are heard, and have some influence. We are responding...
23 Jan 11 – ACCUSATIONS THAT New Zealand is one of the worst performers in the developed world when it comes to the income gap between rich and poor have been validated by a Sunday Star-Times survey. Conducted by Horizon Research, it shows the burgeoning gap between the haves...
16 Jan 11 – Business decision-makers believe New Zealand is not headed for a double-dip recession, a poll commissioned by the Sunday Star-Times shows. Almost half (49.6%) of those with key decision-making roles in business say they do not believe the country will go back into...
9 Jan 11 – Here is the summary table of results on how political leaders make New Zealanders feel. This table covers results across all politicians surveyed. Download...
9 Jan 11 – The Sunday Star Times-HorizonPoll for the first time publishes how some of the main political leaders make New Zealanders feel. The Sunday Star Times ...
7 Jan 11 – HorizonPoll has launched its first survey for 2011 - covering what people expect to happen to them and the country this year. The Mood of The Nation survey seeks views and feelings on...
6 Jan 11 – The number of shares in a new co-operative being applied for by strong wool growers appears to be matching Horizon Research findings. The Wool Partners Co-operative has ...
31 Dec 10 – Over 70 percent of wool growers will not be applying for shares in the Wool Partners Co-operative float, according to an independent survey by Horizon Research that was commissioned by the New Zealand Council of Wool Exporters. The HorizonPoll internet survey of 618...
6 Dec 10 – The HorizonPoll which shows New Zealand First may determine which of the main parties governs after the next election also shows National’s vote is higher than at the 2008 election. HorizonPoll says people interpreting the poll should bear in mind it expresses...
26 Nov 10 – Eight out of 10 New Zealanders support a proposed law which will require people to provide information to police or face penalties of up to $40,000 or a year in jail. Although only 29.5% have heard of the Search and Surveillance Bill now before Parliament, 79.5% support...
23 Nov 10 – A majority of New Zealanders support the deal the Government did with Warner Bros to keep Hobbit film production in New Zealand. However, a majority don’t want a similar deal done again. A new nationwide HorizonPoll finds...
17 Nov 10 – This new HorizonPoll nationwide survey covers new law proposed by the Government to help police investigate serious crime. We seek your views on some important issues: proposals to increase police powers; the deal done to keep the Hobbit films' production in New Zealand;...
8 Oct 10 – TSB bank scores the highest “excellent” rating among those who have dealings with it. Some 43.6% rate their dealings with TSB as excellent. Second is Kiwibank with 35%. ...
28 Sep 10 – Bob Parker has a 19% lead over Jim Anderton as preferred Mayor of Christchurch, according to HorizonPoll. Parker attracts 46% of voters, Anderton 27% in the special poll of 321 Christchurch City residents between September 23 and 26. Weighted, the survey has a maximum...
28 Sep 10 – People in Canterbury have rated the performance of people and orgaisations during the earthqaukes disaster. Emergency services received high praise for their efforts, with 94 per cent rating the Fire Service response as very good or excellent, The Press newspaper reports...
28 Sep 10 – Getting water, sewerage and other basic services restored is the task most Canterbury residents want the Government and councils to focus on. The Second highest priority should be re housing, and rehabilitating the housing, of those whose homes are worst affected by...
27 Sep 10 – Cantabrians are optimistic about an early return to normality after this month's massive earthquake, an online poll shows. Chrstchurch's The Press newspaper reports this morning that an HorizonPoll survey of 358 people has found 65 per cent believe their lives will return...
27 Sep 10 – Nearly 80% of people in Canterbury are describing the level of hardship they’re experiencing as a result of the earthquakes as stressful. Ten per cent say it is very stressful, according to a new HorizonPoll survey. 26% report it...
26 Sep 10 – HorizonPoll reveals majority of people yet to vote in Auckland’s first super city elections don’t know when to return ballot papers. Fifty one per cent don’t know voting closes at noon, Saturday October 9, 2010. More...
21 Sep 10 – National has an 8% lead over Labour in the latest HorizonPoll voting intentions survey covering 3,673 New Zealanders. National has 30% of voters (3% down on its 2008 share of all adult New Zealanders). ...
19 Sep 10 – The country is evenly split over the Government’s handling of the economy: 29% disapprove, 28% approve. An HorizonPoll survey of 3,655 New Zealanders shows 35% neither approve nor disapprove, while 8% don’t know. Weighted to represent the...
28 Aug 10 – Trade Me rates as the country’s most visited web site in the past 30 days. An HorizonPoll of 3179 New Zealanders nationwide between August 23 and 28 shows 83% have visited or used Trade Me. Online banking comes second with 73% and Facebook...
24 Aug 10 – An independent Savings Working Group announced today by the Government has a wide brief to consider how New Zealand can improve its national savings, Finance Minister Bill English says. "Improving the level of national savings is the next step in the Government's programme...
23 Aug 10 – Which sport has most people watching? And which has most participating? The question is being put to HorizonPoll panel members in ...
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